The 10 largest pension funds have invested approximately $600 billion across various asset classes, with a significant portion invested in alternative asset classes
Tom Felkai, vice president of finance, will take over from Stephen Johnson, who is stepping down as CFO on Dec. 31
BlackRock Institute outlook sees mixed results in the U.S. and a boost to Japanese and European stocks in the year ahead
MD Financial has expanded pre-existing relationships with Manulife Asset Management and Franklin Templeton, which are now subadvising four funds
Robert Lewis has to pay a fine of $175,000 for five infractions committed between 2008 and 2012 when he was an advisor with Manulife Securities
The new ETFs provide investors with exposure to developed markets outside the U.S. and Canada
Robert Corbally appointed managing director
Steven Donald of Assante is the SRO’s new chairman of the board while Christopher Nicholls takes over the role of vice chairman
New initiative will allow family, friends and other loved ones to contribute to children’s education savings electronically
Study finds that those who experience financial stress and lacking in confidence are less likely to seek financial help