The new business area’s goals include the development of tools that will help Canadians find new and better ways of accessing health care products and services
Although there’s a lot of information for those planning for retirement, there’s little available for those about to enter this stage of their lives, the association says
Alexander was senior vice president and chief economist with TD and also served as an economist with CIBC, RBC and the C.D. Howe Institute
The Toronto-based insurer is purchasing FWD Life Insurance’s pension and MPF businesses as well as entering into a distribution agreement with that firm
The merged firms will combine to create Irish Life Health
Study also finds that Canadians younger than 55 are most they will not be able to save enough to meet their financial goals while those who are older fear outliving their money
Applications from Nervana will help Manulife develop a new “deep learning” tool, which will analyze the various data portfolio managers receive each day
Despite increased optimism in stocks, fixed-income securities and ETFs, which have rebounded along with the price of oil, Canadians are still cautious about investing
The firm had discovered that some clients in fee-based accounts were also paying trailer fees as a result of problems within its systems of control and supervision
Being on the road is a trait of insurance advisors, so they need the right technology and help for using it when not in the office