As well, discussing fee structures with clients leads to a dramatic jump in the percentage of investors who feel they understand what they are being charged
Hearsay 360 analyzes data exchanged through text, social media, advisors’ websites and email and recommends the advisor what to do next
New offering will be a “full-service alternative” to Canada’s big banks
Sandy McIntyre had returned to the role in July 2015 following the abrupt departure of Dennis Mitchell
Elio Luongo, who begins a five-year term on Oct. 1, will focus on “promoting Canada’s competitive advantage” during his five-year term
Series NBA and Series NBF of three funds will no longer exist while Series NBA will also no longer apply on one other fund
The bank’s subsidiary, 1832 Asset Management, will become portfolio advisor to Scotia Global Balanced Fund, Scotia U.S. Dividend Fund and Scotia Global Dividend Fund
The portfolios offer tiered pricing and benefits for household accounts; are continually monitored and regularly rebalanced; and offer non-proprietary funds
Markus Felderer joins as managing director of investment banking for mining in Canada while Timo Jauristo has taken the role of senior advisor within the mining team
The new “standards panel” will include members of the public who have a keen interest in financial planning in addition to CFPs with significant expertise