The firm is lowering management fees on 35 funds, eliminating certain series and reducing the minimum investment for other series
The portfolios in the two new ETFs consist of companies that typically demonstrate strong cash flows and lower share price volatility
A new study suggests that millennials are the most confident in dealing with market volatility while those aged between 35 and 54 are the least ready
The firm is also introducing a mutual fund focusing on Toronto’s bustling real estate market
Two funds will now be available to advisors who run a fee-based business
The company’s proposed new ‘Simplicity Pricing’ program recognizes higher levels of client investment with a flat fee
Portfolio manager who specializes in global equities to replace Andrew Fernow
Findlay to replace incumbent John Dargie
Vitality program will offer rewards to some life insurance clients for “healthy living”
Name change at Excel; NEI terminates one fund