Home Tessa Wilmott

It’s touching how adversityhas a way of making people come closer. In Toronto, we have had endless days — and nights, too — of plus-30?C temperatures. We have had extreme heat warnings and smog warnings. We have had days when the humidity was so high it encased the city in a hazy fog. We have […]

  • August 4, 2005 October 29, 2019
  • 15:50

It seems to me a convertible craze has overcome Toronto. I can’t speak for the rest of the country — and my research methods are not the most scientific — but as I drive to and from work, I can’t help but notice the number of people driving with their tops down.There are the Porsches, […]

  • June 28, 2005 October 29, 2019
  • 13:36

You have to respect murphy. Wasn’t it Murphy who said “If it can go wrong, it will go wrong”? Well, Murphy must live at IE.It has been a week to remember at Investment Executive. And I can sum it up in three “B” words — big, bureaucratic and blowups. I have never been fond of […]

  • June 2, 2005 October 29, 2019
  • 09:51

When i was growing up, we were taught that money was a very personal subject. One would never discuss the mortgage or the mounting credit card debt. (Mind you, I am not sure people in the 1950s had mortgages and credit card debt.) One certainly didn’t discuss how much money one made.No, we donned white […]

  • March 3, 2005 October 29, 2019
  • 11:02

Ottawa introduces Canada Learning Bond

  • March 23, 2004 March 23, 2004
  • 16:35

Reminds delegates of importance of fund value proposition, advantages of independent managers

  • September 10, 2003 September 10, 2003
  • 10:30

IFIC head addresses CIFPs convention

  • June 3, 2003 June 3, 2003
  • 10:15

Board of directors now in place

  • June 3, 2003 June 3, 2003
  • 08:25

OSC pleased with response to Web site

  • June 2, 2003 June 2, 2003
  • 16:25

FPSC chair addresses founding CIPF convention

  • June 2, 2003 June 2, 2003
  • 09:10