The wonder of underwater worlds keeps amateur diver Warren Lo searching for the stunning visuals that animate his photography
Greg Kennedy, a senior wealth consultant with Meridian Credit Union in Toronto, developed a love for cycling when he was living in British Columbia decades ago. His passion for the sport has led to weekend excursions and various marathons
A love for enduro dirt-bike racing has taken financial advisor Bruce Moffatt all over the world. But the local scenery plays second fiddle to wrangling a 90-kilogram, mud-encrusted bike and navigating rocks the size of microwave ovens
Franklin Templeton launches balanced fund
If February’s chill is zapping your energy and motivation, these tips from coaches and trainers can help. Exercise and laughter, they say, can do wonders to lift your spirits and your productivity
Continued sluggishness in the U.S. and European economies
BlackRock launches new ETF
Awareness must be heightened after an advisor in the U.S. is alleged to have used social media to sell fraudulent securities
New programs will provide advisors with access to educational materials on using social media and activities to establish their online presence
Vancouver-based Matrix Asset Management Inc. has launched Matrix Dow Jones Canada High Dividend 50 Fund, a corporate-class fund.