Building a strong team follows the same principles as building a strong marriage, says Angus Watt, managing director of individual investor services with National Bank Financial Ltd. in Edmonton. Watt’s team management principles boil down to three Cs: connection, commitment and communication.> Choose partners who share your business principles. Like choosing your spouse, you should […]
Once called a “tyrant,” Robin Kingsmill has learned to get out of the way
A new, U.S.-based website says it has found a way to keep both advisors and regulators happy
Already, the bank-owned alternative trading system has more than 20% of the volume of trades in Canada
But that satisfaction ends when it comes to the MFDA itself, which “has gotten to the point of ridiculousness,” says one advisor
Is the world of Facebook friends and Twitter tweets any place for a financial advisor? Yes, say online social media experts, but you have to step carefully
A guide to popular social media sites
Advisors who raved about their firms’ support services cite quick and direct access to in-house specialists
Dealers’ relationships with their regulators may be thawing
Dealers are wondering if regulators looked into every client complaint because of media pressure during the downturn