It may be, but one small-cap fund manager says the market is now “overshooting the fundamentals”
Despite the benchmark’s 70% year-to-date rebound, says one fund manager, emerging markets are not overheated
The rally may be running too fast, says one fund manager: “We’ll have a reality check over the next six or seven months”
Down the road, however, fund managers foresee a prolonged period of slow economic growth with a greater risk of inflation
Supply excesses have been wrung from the system, mutual fund managers say, and valuations have come down
“To use the tunnel analogy,” one manager says, “we may not see the light, but it’s not getting darker”
But money managers say fund performance will depend on the scope and pace of the global recovery
U.S. equity fund manager says economy is “responding in a meaningful way to signs of stabilization”
Continuing growth in China is an important driver of economic expansion in the region
“What differentiates this commodity cycle from others is the financial crisis that is overlaid on it,” reckons one manager