Implementing a best interest standard and leaving the oversight of advisors to the existing regulators is not a viable option
As the U.K. reconsiders rules banning embedded commissions, Advocis reaffirms its commitment to both raising proficiency standards for advisors and embedded compensation
To protect clients, Advocis supports a new professional accreditation for financial advisors. Failure to do so will leave regulatory gaps.
A recent report finds most people prefer the commission model
Only regulating the title “financial planner” still leaves consumers at risk
No one is suggesting that investors be forced to pay commissions — simply that they should have a choice in the matter
Gaps in the framework can be addressed with higher professional standards
A response to a recent Inside Track column from Keith Costello
Advocis responds to CCPA report on mutual fund fees
Greg Pollock, president and CEO of Advocis, explains the role that ongoing learning has in ensuring that advisors are on top of the latest industry issues. He highlights key advisor issues for 2014 and discusses designations that his organization offers. Pollock spoke to Tessie Sanci, reporter, Investment Executive, at the TMX Broadcast Centre in Toronto.