Regrettably, almost all of the accusations in the revised Naked Investor are accurate
How does an advisor deal with clients who don’t fit the new business model?
Ask top clients for in-person introductions — and condition your satisfied new clients to expect a similar request
There are times when the team’s leader must step in to get things back on track
This case study is based on the situation of a client of the Covenant Group. Names and details have been changed to preserve privacy. What do you want your world to look like in 10 years? That is the question I posed to Roger Gallagher as we sat on the patio enjoying a cool beverage […]
Walk into any bookstore and you’ll find shelves groaning under the weight of books written by high-profile people extolling the secrets of their success. But you would have to look a bit harder to find any that dwell on failure — and even longer to uncover one that devotes itself entirely to fighting your way […]
Monica Townson’s new book looks at how the new retirement might play out for your clients
Advisor’s son did a good job for four weeks, but that doesn’t mean he is ready to step into his father’s shoes
Make sure your target market is identifiable and large enough to warrant the attention
By seeking only referrals who have the right profile, planner can focus on clients who will add the most value