Setting a goal is more than wishing and believing; it means controlling how the growth will take place
A bare-knuckle assault on investment advisors and managers is well worth reading
Building good relations with financial journalists will establish your reputation as a financial expert and generate free publicity for your services. By following the following three rules, you can gain the confidence of print and broadcast journalists. 1. Acknowledge that the media’s job is to inform the public — not to promote your business. 2. Journalists have […]
Journalists will seek your input into their articles and shows if you prove informative, concise, reliable and timely
Jill Snider thought client segmentation was a way of discriminating against small clients. By answering a few questions, Jill learned that she is already giving her top clients A-list service. Segmenting simply formalizes the process and ensures that top clients always receive the highest level of service. It does not mean giving inferior service to […]
The professional from any discipline best qualified to be a client’s “trusted advisor” should get that role
Proper client segmentation means your D clients become A clients to whomever is assigned to serve them
Authors map out models that will help clients — and you — plan for a satisfactory retirement
If staff members aren’t performing up to standard, they may not understand what’s important to your business
At one point in my ca- reer, I worked alongside an actuary, who astounded me with his range of knowledge. He could contribute to virtually any discussion with an amazing amount of detail. One particular strength was his familiarity with the Income Tax Act. He claimed it read like a novel, with main characters (various […]