A significant number of financial advisors are approaching retirement age, yet few have a succession plan in place. Here's what you need to know about the six to 12 months leading up to inking a deal with a buyer of your practice
This new tome from highly regarded financial advisor David Christianson is a compendium of concise descriptions and essential insights into the worlds of finance and investment
An advisor who will see his practice double with the acquisition of a retiring advisor’s book of business wants to know the benefits of a policies and procedures manual — and what it will take to put one together
A new book by a Chinese-American finance professor imparts China's traditional attitude toward money. Many of the lessons deal with the creation of human capital
When an associate expresses an interest in becoming a partner in your practice, avoid becoming too generous with the equity of your business. Consider the qualities of the candidate and the needs of your firm
In part 3 of Not for Rookies Only, George Hartman, CEO of Market Logics, explains about how to craft a value proposition that will get a response. This task is tougher for rookies, but definitely not for rookies only. He spoke with Investment Executive senior editor Grant McIntyre, at the TMX Broadcast Centre in Toronto.
In part 2 of Not for Rookies Only, George Hartman, CEO of Market Logics, explains how successful advisors define their preferred client early in their careers. Advisors can then align resources, marketing, products and services around relationships that are clearly identified. He spoke with Investment Executive senior editor Grant McIntyre, at the TMX Broadcast Centre in Toronto.
New book by an American sales consultant is a worthwhile read for advisors seeking the language and confidence needed to ask for introductions to potential clients
Although some of the strategies and tactics a coach suggests might be familiar to you, the discipline to implement them can be elusive. Here are some of the steps many professional advisor-coaches help their clients take
In part 1 of this 3-part series, Not for Rookies Only, George Hartman, CEO of Market Logics, discusses solutions for the most common errors rookie advisors make. Hartman details a strategic plan to help make the first three years of an advisory practice a success. He spoke wit Grant McIntyre, senior editor at Investment Executive at the TMX Broadcast Centre in Toronto.