All signs indicate an economic recovery, but the bull market and its benefits are still elusive (includes chart)
And two categories have risen in terms of advisor discontent (includes chart)
New seg funds in Empire Life’s GMWB lineup
Nicola Wealth Management's fee-based model focusing on self-employed professionals, business owners and executives leads to $1 billion in AUM
Major highlights: Departure of one firm, the addition of another, and big increases — and decreases — to some firms’ ratings (includes main chart)
Group of about 45 advisors tend to be much more focused on the brokerage and portfolio-management businesses
Some firms received higher ratings from their advisors in a plethora of categories, while others struggled mightily
Only an estimated 25% of Canadians have Tax Free Savings Accounts and most are over 65
Caldwell appoints Meisels as consultant to fund
Planning, execution, lots of perseverance and significant support helped Sandra Pierce establish the brand she had dreamed of