Consumer confidence continues to be soured by rate hikes and inflation
Additional year for repayment is requested
51% of Canadians reported that they were $200 away or less from not being able to meet all their financial obligations
Monthly seasonally adjusted annual rate of housing starts in September came in at 270,466 units, up from 250,383 in August
Will cut about 2,700 staff and take $590M Q4 charge after tax
Mayor Olivia Chow says raising the tax from 1% to 3% will encourage the transformation of vacant homes into rental units
Modest declines in residential construction plans, total monthly value of non-residential permits rose 14.8% to $5.0 billion
Exports of gold and crude oil helped drive results
ACM specializes in pooled Canadian commercial mortgage funds
Vericity includes insurance carrier Fidelity Life and direct-to-consumer agency eFinancial