Home Bruce Cohen

But U.S. residents living in Canada may derive a small benefit from tax-free savings accounts

  • July 28, 2008 July 28, 2008
  • 12:13

But it appears early contributors are being caught in the same net — and could wrongly face penalties

  • April 3, 2007 April 3, 2007
  • 09:17

Pensioners could split interest from GIAs, which technically are deferred annuities

  • February 5, 2007 February 5, 2007
  • 09:58

Many clients are moving into the “retirement risk zone” — and they’ll need your help

  • November 13, 2006 November 13, 2006
  • 13:42

Spousal plans would provide more income-splitting opportunities and additional flexibility

  • November 13, 2006 November 13, 2006
  • 12:08

Using one of these strategies, it is possible to make the $2,000 RRSP overcontribution rule work to your client’s advantage

  • December 1, 2005 December 1, 2005
  • 11:26

Uncle Sam doesn’t take kindly to any arrangement designed to evade U.S. taxes

  • December 1, 2005 December 1, 2005
  • 10:28