Based in Philadelphia, Brian Kloss is a Portfolio Manager on the Global Fixed Income team at Brandywine Global Investment Management. He joined Brandywine in December 2009, bringing with him over 10 years of high yield and distressed debt experience. Previously, Kloss was co-portfolio manager at Dreman Value Management, LLC (2007-2009); high yield analyst/trader at Gartmore Global Investments (2002-2007); high yield and equity portfolio manager and general analyst at Penn Capital Management, Ltd. (2000-2002); an analyst with The Concord Advisory Group, Ltd. (1998-2000); and an international tax consultant with Deloitte & Touche LLP (1995-1998). He earned his J.D. from Villanova School of Law and graduated summa cum laude with B.S. in Accounting from University of Scranton. He is also a member of the New Jersey and Pennsylvania Bar and is a Pennsylvania Certified Public Accountant.
Portfolio manager Brian Kloss says he’s constructive on corporate credit
Shorter duration bonds and shorting treasury futures will take some rate sensitivity out of holdings, says Brian Kloss of Brandywine Global