{"id":259481,"date":"2017-09-18T10:20:00","date_gmt":"2017-09-18T15:20:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.investmentexecutive.com\/uncategorized\/saskatchewanians-oppose-provincial-tax-on-insurance\/"},"modified":"2019-10-17T10:41:52","modified_gmt":"2019-10-17T14:41:52","slug":"saskatchewanians-oppose-provincial-tax-on-insurance","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.investmentexecutive.com\/news\/products\/saskatchewanians-oppose-provincial-tax-on-insurance\/","title":{"rendered":"Saskatchewanians oppose provincial tax on insurance"},"content":{"rendered":"<\/p>\n
Almost three-quarters of Saskatchewan residents are opposed to their provincial government’s decision to apply provincial sales tax (PST) to a range of insurance products, according to a recent survey the Financial Advisors Association of Canada (a.k.a. Advocis) commissioned.<\/p>\n
In the survey of 600 Saskatchewan residents, conducted in early August by Ottawa-based public affairs firm Maple Leaf Strategies Inc., 73% said they oppose or strongly oppose taxing insurance.<\/p>\n
Saskatchewan’s decision to apply its 6% PST to insurance premiums, including individual and group life and health insurance, was revealed in the province’s 2017-18 budget in March and took effect Aug. 1.<\/p>\n
The life insurance industry has opposed the move vocally, arguing that the tax will make insurance less affordable and represents an unfair tax on savings.<\/p>\n
“People use insurance as a way to protect their family’s financial future in the event of an accident, illness or loss of life. They also use insurance as a way to save,” says Greg Pollock, president and CEO of Advocis, in a statement. “Taxing savings makes no sense. It puts the financial future of families at risk.”<\/p>\n
Of the Saskatchewan residents surveyed, 77% said taxing insurance is “unfair” and 73% said they believe it will cause individuals to reduce or cancel their insurance coverage.<\/p>\n
“Opposition to taxing insurance crosses every demographic and political category,” says Dimitri Pantazopoulos, partner with Maple Leaf Strategies, in a statement. “Moreover, there is a high level of awareness of this issue among the electorate.”<\/p>\n