Nine out of 10 of your prospects (including referrals) Google you before they meet you, which means your web presence will be the first impression you make on a prospect. Join this webinar and learn why most advisors fail online and how to create an effective website that turns visitors into clients.
Maggie Crowley is marketing manager at Advisor Websites, where she helps financial services firms across Canada and the U.S. develop strong inbound marketing strategies. She specializes in web-to-lead generation, content marketing and web usability.
Loic Jeanjean is the director of sales and marketing at Advisor Websites, a Vancouver-based company that focuses on developing websites for financial advisors. Jeanjean works with financial services firms in developing integrated web marketing strategic plans and websites that produce measurable results.
The webinar has ended. A replay is now available in CE Place.
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(The Institute credits pending.)
Editor’s note: You must log in to CE place watch the replay.