The children of the wealthy have different ideas about financial advice — and those who provide it. Understanding that mindset can help retain families when wealth transfers take place
Demand for sustainable investments will only grow as generational wealth transfer approaches
Advisors can reduce the risks of wealth transfer by meeting with client’s children, says Deborah McGrath
Advisors must start relationships with prospective heirs early to demonstrate why they are better than the competition
Women will soon control almost half of Canadian assets, and require tailored advice
With this demographic’s net worth set to increase by 500% in the next 15 years, advisors will have to cater to the needs of this growing demographic, report suggests
A new RBC survey finds that those receiving wealth from inheritance — and those passing it on — could use some additional guidance about the way the process works
We’ve all seen the bumper sticker that reads: “I’m spending my kids’ inheritance.” It’s funny, right? Think again, states Toronto-based HomEquity Bank. According to the results of the 2016 Seniors’ Views of Inheritance survey recently conducted for that firm, a surprising 86% of Canadian seniors are unwilling to “forgo doing, achieving or acquiring something” in […]
Financial planners and financial advisors need to have a strategic plan to deal with the massive inheritance baby boomers will receive or risk losing AUM
Build relationships with the next generations of clients