Keyword: United Kingdom

109 results found

The taskforce represents a central part of the U.K. government’s efforts to understand and engage with new technologies in the financial services sector

Initiative should improve underwriting practices and loan pricing for consumers

The new rules aim to enhance transparency and protection for investors

The rules are part of an overall effort to bolster competition among U.K. investment fund managers

  • April 5, 2018 November 13, 2019
  • 14:10

The industry’s culture is a priority for the U.K. regulator given its impact, and the role that it must play in re-building trust in financial services

This is the first enforcement action against a firm for failing to report details of trading in exchange-traded derivatives under the European Markets Infrastructure Regulation

The benefits include reducing the time and cost for firms of getting innovative ideas to market

FCA calls for market review of investment consultancy services

New coalition government between the Conservatives and the DUP of Northern Ireland could result in a “softer” Brexit

The product drew the most complaints and accounted for the majority of redress paid to consumers in the second half of 2016, the FCA reports