In part one of a three-part series, Jamie Golombek, managing director, tax & estate planning, CIBC Private Wealth Management, explains how avoiding tax refunds can help your clients. He outlines strategies for deducting expenses at source and putting these funds into investment vehicles right away. Tune in for part two of Golombek: Tax Savings 2014 next week.
There are three key strategies you can discuss with clients to help them get a head start on the 2014 taxation year
The majority of Canadians remain unfamiliar with deadlines for charitable donations, final RRSP contributions and TFSA withdrawals
Now is a good time for clients to review their situation with a qualified legal or tax advisor
A new study finds that more than one third of Canadians leave all thought of taxes to the last minute just before the April deadline
Tax-loss selling and tax-gain donating are two of the best ways financial advisors can assist their clients toward the end of the year
Relief requests for 2003 must be filed the end of this year
Proposed amendments in a number of areas could affect clients’ financial plans
There are three areas, in particular, in which financial advisors can really help their clients take advantage of the tax-related opportunities involved with charitable giving
Feds targetting a range of tax loopholes