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With April come many glorious events: springtime, the return of baseball and tax-filing season. Here are some tax issues you should keep in mind as you anticipate questions from your clients about their 2014 returns: – Family tax cut. Introduced in late October and effective for the 2014 taxation year, the family tax cut (FTC) […]

Going over your client's T1 general income tax return can provide a wealth of information about his or her financial life. You may spot some red flags and planning opportunities that otherwise might have gone unnoticed

The situation facing these clients is more complex as they have certain filing requirements in the U.S. in addition to their U.S. and Canadian tax returns

Now is the time to help your clients set up a prescribed rate loan because the rate of 1% is the lowest it will ever be — and it is fixed until March 31

Advisors should make sure their clients are up to date regarding tax changes

When clients donate public securities in kind, rather than giving cash, they can effectively double up on tax benefits

Finance minister meets with economists

Here are some ways to help your clients and their children save and budget for post-secondary education

Relief expected for U.S. citizens living in Canada

CIFPs 2014: Critical issues and deadlines for clients

Jamie Golombek, managing director of tax and estate planning for Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce’s wealth advisory services division, discusses upcoming critical issues, deadlines and potential penalties that financial advisors need to discuss with their clients.