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The CRA's proposed amendments to the way corporations are taxed could have an impact on insurance sales and the use of insurance in corporate planning strategies

The Liberals' recent proposed tax changes for private corporations are part of a larger effort by the feds to eliminate opportunities for wealthier Canadians to split income and reduce taxes. The question is, does that make for good tax policy?

Proposed tax changes in the U.S. - such as eliminating estate taxes and lower corporate taxes - could affect some of your wealthy clients, especially U.S. citizens and those who own property in the U.S.

Jamie Golombek, managing director of tax and estate planning with CIBC Financial Planning & Advice, reviews some of his major yearend tax planning tips in this free webinar

Breaking down Ottawa’s proposed tax changes

Kevin Wark discusses how Ottawa’s proposed changes to the taxation of private corporations would affect income sprinkling, dividends and capital gains

  • By: Kevin Wark
  • October 9, 2017 November 9, 2019
  • 18:00
Feds launch consultation on tax proposals

The tax proposals for passive investments risk delivering a blow to the retirement planning of many small-business owners

Feds launch consultation on tax proposals

CIBC tax experts Jamie Golombek and Debbie Pearl-Weinberg highlight some major actions that certain clients could consider taking in the near term

Tax penalties and how to apply for relief

From TFSA overcontributions to repeated late-filing, Adrienne Woodyard outlines common tax penalties and explains how to apply for penalty relief (Part 4 of 4)

Finance Canada’s proposals could have a big impact

Staying clear of tax mistakes and penalties

Adrienne Woodyard discusses how to avoid the most common tax filing errors and penalties (Part 3 of 4)