Keyword: Tax avoidance

99 results found

Details from the tax folio on advantages

Tax surveillance is now global. HNW clients need to know the rules — and the penalties — of non-compliance

This delay represents a win for industry associations and clients who pay fees on their registered plans from non-registered accounts

The federal tax agency also delays implementing registered fee position

Report suggests feds toughen tax enforcement and cut taxes at the top

The agency’s auditors have reviewed more than 30,000 files in Ontario and British Columbia over the past three years, generating $43.7 million in penalties

The government will be investing money to improve the fairness and integrity of the tax system as well as introduce new rules

  • By: Pablo Fuchs
  • February 27, 2018 November 9, 2019
  • 17:37
Ottawa urged to step up fight against tax cheats

Taxpayers who believe they are offside the rules would do well to consider whether it makes sense to make use of the program before the new rules come into effect

Ottawa urged to step up fight against tax cheats

The leak of some 13.4 million records includes the names of more than 3,000 Canadian individuals and entities

The agreement will modify many of Canada's current tax treaties in order to counter profit shifting by multinationals