Keyword: Subprime lending and borrowing

55 results found

Investors misled about the riskiness and credit quality of ‘enhanced cash’ fund

Without admitting or denying allegations, Citi agrees to SEC penalty

Firm misrepresented subprime data

Bank pleased with decision

Regulator alleges firm misled investors about subprime investments

Largest penalty slapped on National Bank Financial

  • By: IE Staff
  • December 21, 2009 December 21, 2009
  • 20:40

Pre-qualified fund managers will have to raise $500 million of capital, which the U.S. Treasury will the match

It appears that inflation has replaced the credit crunch as the financial markets’ biggest worry. Although the markets’ collective attention may have waned, that doesn’t mean the risks have abated.Despite evidence that credit markets are improving — spreads are narrowing and liquidity is returning — the outlook is far from worry-free. In fact, as the […]

Report makes recommendations on issuer transparency and investor due diligence, risk management, and valuation and accounting issues

Banks have disclosed 83% of losses