The company has embarked on a five-city venture capital roadshow touting the TSX and TSXV beginning in Santa Monica, Calif., on Tuesday
The merger would have created a de facto monopoly for clearing fixed income instruments
The move will have implications for order matching and execution on the TSX, TSXV and TSX Alpha Exchange
The exchange is seeking to amend its rules to ensure that the special committee that oversees its regulatory division is a committee of its board
400 independent firms gain access mutual fund trading platform
LSE said it could not comply with the European Commission’s request to sell its majority stake in the MTS electronic trading platform
By joining the Chamber, TMX Group is aiming to position Canada as a global leader in the adoption of blockchain-based technology
The NSX is being renamed NYSE National Inc. after the closing of the deal
Canada’s regulators new list of marketplaces with full protected status also include the major exchanges published in the initial list
NEO listed companies and their shareholders can now rely on certain safe harbours provided by U.S. law