World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
Tax-Free Savings Accounts can help avoid or minimize clawbacks of benefits
Compared to this time last year, 53% of Canadian 60 an over feel less secure about their financial future, according to a recent Angus Reid Strategies study commissioned by Canadian Home Income Plan (CHIP).In addition to concern over financial security, Angus Reid found that 37% of respondents who are not yet retired have been forced […]
Because there are no age limits, RRIF payments can be reinvested in a TFSA; assets can be withdrawn without clawbacks
Association recommends two-year moratorium on minimum RRIF withdrawals
Parties ignoring senior concerns, CARP says
Canadian seniors lose $6 million annually to fraudulent marketing and financial scams
The North American Securities Administrators Association announced that its membership has approved a new model rule prohibiting the misleading use of senior and retiree designations.The model rule prohibits the misleading use of senior and retiree designations while also providing a means by which a securities administrator may recognize the use of certain designations conferred by […]
Already a problem in the U.S., it could cross the border at some point
Government removes disincentives to work