Changes enable the Nova Scotia Securities Commission to conduct prosecution of insiders
CPSS, IOSCO say principles are designed to strengthen operations and oversight of organizations
Province plans to further enhance the effectiveness of insurance sector regulation
Regulators mulling options for enhancing the disclosure of short sales, and introducing some public disclosure of failed trades
The Supreme Court of Canada has indicated that there could be some federal jurisdiction in areas of truly national concern
Arrangement with AMF, OSC, ASC and BCSC to assist the supervision of companies that operate in Canada and Australia
The separation of prudential regulation from conduct regulation means will mean that banks, building societies, insurers and major investment firms will have two groups of supervisors
New standards are consistent with international regimes
The new approach includes a more active, interventionist regulator
Policy-makers are set to continue refining the new capital requirements that will affect all global banks with the introduction of the Basel III capital regime, which will start taking effect next year