In part three of the 10-part series Ruta's Rules, Jim Ruta, president and head coach, AdvisorCRAFT, gives three tips on successfully using designations in your marketing and business. He spoke at the TMX Broadcast Centre in Toronto.
Studies show that fewer than 20% of advisors engage their clients in writing -- despite the legal requirement to do so. Jim Ruta, president and head coach, AdvisorCRAFT, gives five tips on how to make an engagement document powerful, effective and a script you can use to engage and connect with your clients. This is the second of a 10-part weekly series Ruta’s Rules, in which Ruta serves up specific, actionable tips to take your practice to the next level. Ruta spoke at the TMX Broadcast Centre in Toronto.
Jim Ruta, president and head coach, AdvisorCRAFT, explains how to use annual reviews to gain new business and provide optimum service for your current clients. This is the first of a 10-part weekly series Ruta’s Rules, in which Ruta serves up specific, actionable tips to take your practice to the next level. He spoke at the TMX Broadcast Centre in Toronto.