Jim Ruta, president, AdvisorCraft Media and Consulting, says a capital needs analysis can make prospects and clients feel pushed. He explains why a capital wants analysis is a more effective approach.
Jim Ruta, president, AdvisorCraft Media and Consulting, explains prospecting is not a separate activity, but an endeavour you need to work at consistently for best results. He gives eight tips on how to make your prospecting successful.
Jim Ruta, president, AdvisorCraft Media and Consulting, explains that a “not-to-do” list boosts your productivity by focusing your time on what is truly important for your success.
Jim Ruta, president, AdvisorCraft Media and Consulting, gives a pragmatic script for approaching sales “suspects,” a proven method to boost your business and make your prospecting more efficient.
Jim Ruta, president, AdvisorCraft Media and Consulting, explains three short, crucial questions that cut to the crux of what your business model is.
Jim Ruta, president, AdvisorCraft Media and Consulting, tackles the pros and cons of universal life policies (UL). He discusses a four-part system for determining when UL would be the right choice for clients, and when term life would offer greater benefit.
Jim Ruta, president, AdvisorCraft Media and Consulting, explains one question for clients and prospects that immediately puts the question of “How much life insurance do I need?” into a realistic perspective.
Jim Ruta, president, AdvisorCraft Media and Consulting, explains how you can turn your “if I onlies” into “now I wills” and boost your business performance.