Keyword: Regulatory burden

130 results found

Regulators need to introduce systemic changes that will control the growth of regulation, improve regulatory efficiency and reduce the regulatory burden

The regulator will look to scrap outdated rules, streamline disclosure requirements and make operational changes to enhance or speed up its dealings with the industry

Creation of internal group reflects shift in approach toward securities regulation by OSC and the provincial government

Regulators will propose eliminating redundant disclosure and making greater use of online technology to communicate with investors

The policy projects stem from a consultation carried out by the CSA last year

Although firms have long asked for more streamlined rules, there are some requirements many would like to retain

Deadline pushed back until July 28

New proposal explores allowing companies to report semi-annually rather than quarterly, and expanding their ability to distribute documents online

Interconnected global markets and the aftermath of the financial crisis make the current regulatory environment necessary, OSC chief says

This year, there have been a total of 74 rules out for comment vs only 28 in all of 2007 — and the increase in regulatory costs is resulting in consolidation among smaller firms