Province’s debt burden remains manageable
But association is pleased there are no new taxes in provincial budget
$500 deduction for 3 million tax payers
Alberta’s Finance department says that the final step in government’s commitment to eliminate the debt will be taken through new legislation that requires the $3.5 billion set aside in the Debt Retirement Account only be used for debt repayments.“Premier Klein pledged Alberta’s $23 billion debt would be eliminated, and he has kept that promise,” Finance […]
In its first budget as a debt-free province, Alberta boosted its spending, but left taxes virtually unchanged.There were major increases for education, health and policing, more money for people with severe disabilities, and a predicted surplus of $1.5 billion. Calling it an investment budget, Alberta Finance Minister Shirley McClellan said the province is heading into […]
Ratings agency cites reduced debt burden
Dominion Bond Rating Service has upgraded British Columbia’s credit rating, citing the province’s sound fiscal management and reduced debt burden.Total provincial debt at the end of 2005/05 is forecast at $36.1 billion, a $1.7 billion decline from the previous year. To support its rating upgrade, DBRS cited B.C.’s sound financial and economic position, significant improvements […]
West faring well, while Central Canada lagging, says CIBC World Markets
Lower taxes for small business, low income earners
Strong dollar hurting manufacturers, Conference Board says