Keyword: Partnerships

30 results found

When an associate expresses an interest in becoming a partner in your practice, avoid becoming too generous with the equity of your business. Consider the qualities of the candidate and the needs of your firm

How to add value to your business by partnering with another advisor

No matter how simpatico you may feel about your partnership with another advisor, it’s crucial to plan for the possibility that your relationship will encounter rough waters if and when you decide to part. Reduce the friction by planning ahead

Working with a partner means choosing a team structure

Make sure your partnership agreement anticipates a full range of situations — and what to do about them

Clearly defined relationships, from compensation to cost-sharing will help ensure your team is free to focus on the clients

The best way to prevent a difficult team breakup is to have a formal partnership agreement in place; otherwise, a positive attitude and a commitment to fairness can make things easier for all involved

Silo partnerships vs professional ensembles

An advisor who would like to combine his resources with several other advisors at the same firm asks “Coach’s Forum” if forming the partnership, which will also allow advisors to reduce their individual expenses, is a worthy endeavour