Keyword: Over-the-counter securities and derivatives

165 results found

Both the notional and market value of outstanding OTC derivatives contracts

Enhanced disclosure serves the interests of investors

The survey aims to help central banks monitor developments in global financial markets

The revised scope of application addresses concerns of market participants regarding indirect clearing

European securities regulators have given their blessing to a couple of the TMX Group’s clearing businesses to operate as central clearing counterparties in the region

The proposals aim to guard against systemic risk and boost customer protection in derivatives markets

The goal is to increase transparency and efficiency in the OTC derivatives market while aiming to preserve the anonymity of counterparties

The proposals are consistent with the provisions set out at the global level by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision

A lack of co-ordination is fragmenting liquidity says the IIAC’s Ian Russell

FINRA will publish data on all equity volume executed over-the-counter