The guidance is intended to help authorities implement effective resolution regimes and develop credible resolution strategies and plans for CCPs
The new rules are part of Canada’s effort to meet its G20 commitments to reform global OTC derivatives markets following the global financial crisis
The proposal is part of an effort to improve transparency in the over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives markets
Utility now supports derivatives trade reporting for all provinces and territories
The ESMA is proposing to postpone the phase-in period for counterpartines with a limited volume of dertivatives
However, central clearing is less prevalent in other segments of OTC derivatives markets
New index tracks Canadian companies that trade in the U.S. over-the-counter market
IOSCO, CPMI release consultation paper
But there’s good progress on trade reporting requirements for OTC derivatives, and higher capital requirements for non-centrally cleared derivatives are mostly in force
Regulator publishes final amendment to rule requirng derivatives trades to be reported to trade repositories