Middle class tax cut and new child benefit top priorities
Trudeau must fulfil three main campaign promises and build bridges with groups such as the civil service and the media
Finance Minister Bill Morneau promises a fiscal and economic update by Christmas
Harper and Mulcair may have put too much faith in their press clippings. That left openings for Trudeau
Justin Trudeau names rookie politician to senior cabinet post
The 75-year-old former Bay Street investment banker has been contemplating his own future
The former cabinet minister won re-election last week
Jamie Golombek, managing director of tax and estate planning, CIBC Wealth Advisory Services, discusses how the new government’s tax promises could impact your clients. For more information, register for Investment Executive’s Year-end tax planning 2015 webinar.
Home ownership, the demographic shift and a post-oil economy should drive the agenda
If a referendum were held tomorrow, Canadians would probably vote to abolish the Senate