Your clients might consider buying calls on some of the beaten-down sectors; if stability returns, they could do well
The price of an option hinges on an assumption of volatility, which measures how much the stock price is expected to vary from its current price — a position that is most clearly defined in the cost of an options straddle.
Overwriting keeps the bulk of a portfolio intact while the client enjoys an enhanced income stream
What makes this approach worth looking at is the certainty of time-value erosion. As the option approaches expiry, time value decreases
New course combines existing derivatives course and options licensing course
New ETNs and ETN options offer ways to profit from uncertain markets
Extending the concept of put writing to the “bull put spread” helps eliminate the risk of being blindsided by an unpredictable event
ESP can help traders fine-tune the risks associated with any options position and provide a clearer perspective on leverage
Options writing has produced returns as much as 200% or more vs simply holding gold or gold stocks
Covered call writing is an income-alternative strategy based on equities