Cyprus-based operation not registered in Quebec
Technology problem delays exchange’s opening of several options classes for second time in a week
Is there a particular options strategy that works all the time? The answer is no – just as it is with stock-picking or asset-allocation metrics. Despite that, some financial advisors market their options expertise by focusing on a specific strategy, such as covered-call writing, straddles or buying calls. What these advisors fail to understand is […]
Trading delayed during morning hours
Traders to benefit from increased limits, more choice
Replacing bonds with straddles no longer exposes portfolios to the vagaries of higher interest rates but still provides a hedge should the market decline again
These bands take into account the risk metrics that determine an option's price and use those to frame an implied trading range
Consider this long-term strategy, which delivers great returns
Increased U.S. government spending will be a significant driver of GDP growth. Here's how to take advantage of it
Here's a unique options strategy with a great appeal: The certainty of time value erosion