Some of the major oil producing nations agreed to add 400,000 barrels per day in March. Brent crude was priced at US$90.09
Cap spending was $27 billion in 2021, down from $81 billion in 2014. Cancelled pipeline projects are among the reasons many now see Canadian oil and gas as a ‘difficult place to invest’
Rebound to push oil appetite above pre-pandemic levels, Moody's says
Oil prices and consumer goods demand are among the variables that will affect inflation this year, bank economists suggest
Prices have recovered after a slide in late November when the new variant emerged
Canadian crude oil production is expected to peak at 5.8 million barrels per day in 2032 and then slowly decline
Steady monthly increases in oil releases will continue
Governments must be 'thoughtful' about the pace and scale of the clean energy transition, Al Monaco noted
Recent price surges should ease as temporary drivers normalize
Production disruptions, high demand, push energy prices higher