Falling oil prices add nearly $400 million to forecast
New spending tagged for education, social services and health
Newfoundland and Labrador's growth will not come anywhere near the whopping 6% rise in real GDP the province saw in 2013
Difficulties in getting partners onside plagues the Muskrat Falls hydro project
Labour unions and Opposition MPs say the board is too close to the industry
The Rock is expected to be a leader in economic growth once again, despite a shaky public-sector financial picture
Dunderdale isn’t getting any points for using a private bill to get a giant power project approved
Fogo Island, once on the brink of evacuation, is fast-forwarding into the future
In the late 1970s to mid-1980s, finding oil off Canada’s east coast had seemed easy. The discovery of the huge Hibernia field spurred a rush of exploration that resulted in uncovering several more commercially viable reservoirs. But while Hebron, the last of this spate of fields, is slated to begin production in 2017, there has […]
Newfoundland and Labrador goes back to the future - budget deficits