Keyword: Mutual fund regulations

65 results found
Conflicted graph

Regulators objected to applying "best execution" duties to fund selection

Regulatory efficiency saves costs and ultimately benefits investors

Coin pouring faucet stock photo

Rules aim to make it easier for funds to meet redemptions amid market stress

business man using magnifying glass to inspect documents

Proposals would allow fund managers to post financial statements and management reports on designated websites

The delivery of policy shouldn’t be a last step

Taxpayer's desk and excise documents to import and export industrial goods for the purpose of maximizing profits for large business organizations. (Taxpayer's desk and excise documents to import and export industrial goods for the purpose of maximizin

Reforms will take effect in 2022, and regulators promise more to come

Loss of third-party fund distribution seen as "unintended consequence" in 2018

Taxpayer's desk and excise documents to import and export industrial goods for the purpose of maximizing profits for large business organizations. (Taxpayer's desk and excise documents to import and export industrial goods for the purpose of maximizin

The industry has standardized its LTA practices

  • By: IE Staff
  • December 29, 2020 December 29, 2020
  • 11:44
man being rescued by lifeboat

CSA issues guidance for fund managers on liquidity risk

rules and regulations

An OSC hearing will consider whether a venture issuer should be regulated as a fund