Protecting independence of advisors was "foremost" in the decision, BridgeForce co-presidents said
FSRA also reiterated that it wants clients to be protected from seg fund deferred sales charges, regardless of when the funds were purchased
Greatway must also send its universal life policyholders information to assist them in assessing the policy's appropriateness
At an annual Advocis event, FSRA raised concern about sales incentives being misaligned with customer needs
The regulator alleged a firm's training instructs life agents to mislead consumers, which the firm refutes
Firms that responded to advisors' concerns and helped them solve problems were rated highest
As the industry shifts, some advisors find it difficult to tout their agencies
The provincial regulator has set out its priorities and budgets for the next three years
The regulator reminded insurers to watch over agents, including MGA reps
The regulator is launching a pair of advisory committees to inform policy-making