Asia-Pacific countries are of particular interest to the life and health insurance industry
Although insurance products themselves aren't expected to undergo drastic changes, pricing is likely to shift for some products, and insurers are re-evaluating others
The one-time charge is due to U.S. corporate tax changes
The new service is part of the insurer’s efforts to provide efficient digital offerings
The deputy chairman, president and co-chief executive, had taken a temporary medical leave last year
The LOGiQ3 Group includes APEXA, which manages a national platform for life insurance advisor contracting and compliance in Canada
The acquisition strengthens Canada Life’s presence in the U.K. retirement income market
The reforms are likely to boost the earnings of life insurers, but could negatively impact their capital positions
The rebranding reflects the company's strategic positioning as a pan-Canadian insurer
Key credit metrics will remain in line with rating expectations over the next one to two years