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556 results found
Court rules in favour of labour-sponsored venture fund against fund manager

But the costs of terminating a long-term administrative employee who had agreed to work for the buyer for at least six months after the sale were the buyer’s responsibility

Court rules in favour of labour-sponsored venture fund against fund manager

A settlement the advisor signed with his former firm included a provision waiving the rights he had under the terms of his employment agreement

Court decision means a former spouse loses access to life insurance proceeds because of change to beneficiary in ex-spouse's policy

Court rules in favour of labour-sponsored venture fund against fund manager

The couple claimed to have lost $1.2 million as a result of poor advice from a TD Waterhouse advisor more than a decade ago

Three things advisors need to know to survive an audit

Ellen Bessner and Dan Richards discuss how advisors should respond when they are audited by a regulator (Part 8 of 8)

How to handle client complaints

Ellen Bessner and Dan Richards discuss the steps you need to take right away if a client makes a complaint that may involve a lawsuit (Part 7 of 8)

Regulatory changes that endanger your licences

Ellen Bessner and Dan Richards explain that an issue with one regulator is increasingly requiring advisors to respond to several regulatory bodies (Part 6 of 8)

A court rules that trustees and executors can be on the hook for losses if the estate's assets aren't managed prudently

Three risk tolerance traps

Ellen Bessner and Dan Richards explain three common approaches to managing clients' risk tolerance that leave advisors open to litigation risk (Part 5 of 8)

Three KYC traps

Ellen Bessner and Dan Richards explain three key common know-your-client pitfalls that can lead to lawsuits (Part 4 of 8)