Keyword: Investment research

384 results found

After a 22% drop in profits last year, Canada’s residential construction industry can expect profitability to decline further in 2008, according to the Conference Board’s Canadian Industrial Outlook: Canada’s Residential Construction Industry – Winter 2008.“With a growing inventory of new homes, declining housing starts and weaker price growth, builders’ profits are expected to shrink over […]

  • By: IE Staff
  • February 28, 2008 February 28, 2008
  • 10:10

But the trick is to walk a tightrope, picking up gains as rates fall and avoiding falling off when the rates start to rise

Despite the strength of the major international players, an Ottawa-based firm is one of the more intriguing plays

Companies that have contracts to maintain and service equipment after the sale are in a good long-term position

Investment in upgrading projects and oil sands mines finally paying off

  • By: IE Staff
  • February 14, 2008 February 14, 2008
  • 09:45

Because of the Big Six banks’ exposure to debt securities, various calculations must be used to determine their balance-sheet strength

The success of companies in this sector depends mostly on which way the economy goes

It would be a mistake to conclude that stocks are cheap, says NBF

The “three factors” model developed to determine why different stocks generate different results is used by many analysts. The model considers size (small stocks vs large), value (high book-to-market ratios vs low BTM ratios) and simple market risk. This would be the starting point for supporters of the oft-cited Efficient Market Theory, the same hypothesis […]

The global banking business has taken a pounding over the past two quarters, and there’s every indication of more pain to come in the following months. Looking further ahead, however, the industry is expected to resume its impressive expansion. The question is: which banks will be poised to capture the spoils when it does?The credit […]