Keyword: Insurance companies

199 results found

EGI and Intact, which cater to different segments of the P&C market, have “buy” recommendations

The so-called “Chinese wall” that separates banks from their insurance subsidiaries is about to be extended to the online world. Soon the rules pertaining to physical separation of banking and insurance businesses will extend to bank websites or “virtual branches.” It’s a minor regulatory change with a big message for banks, say insurance industry observers: […]

Despite surviving the global financial crisis intact, Canada’s financial services companies are still contending with lingering global and domestic economic uncertainty, consumer indebtedness and narrow interest rate margins

Regulators and industry to work together to ease the implementation of an audit requirement

Comments due Jan. 14

The online business is important to parent RBC, but so are the insurance branches it has opened across the country

Guideline introduces new capital ‘floor’

‘One-size-fits-all’ approach to regulation not appropriate

Deal will bring technical expertise, geographic diversification and product breadth, CEO says

It will take a few years to determine the longer-term impact of these latest reforms