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Keyword: Infrastructure

114 results found
Immigration Canada

Better integrating immigrants could solve productivity puzzle


Group publishes first annual list of insurers that face global resolution standards

digital euro

European regulator says transition will enhance market efficiency, resilience

Falling inflation

Longer-term challenge of aging population gets tougher as policy shifts

Computer with financial growth

Regulator details vision for retail funds that hold long-term assets

Bridge builders

Vince Childers of Cohen & Steers says real assets are a hedge against market volatility and under-capitalization in critical sectors

Bridge builders

Vince Childers of Cohen & Steers says real assets are a hedge against market volatility and under-capitalization in critical sectors

Pension saving

Funds shifting asset allocations away from offices, toward private credit

Public statement

Exchange overpromised, under-delivered on clearing system replacement

Immigration Canada

Temporary residents drive growth, but StatsCan sees signs of slowing