Keyword: High yield bonds

126 results found

The rating agency sees Canada's default rate declining amid stronger corporate liquidity

Evolve has announced it is closing two funds

  • By: IE Staff
  • September 25, 2019 October 17, 2019
  • 12:05

Corporate defaults will likely remain lo

Plunging oil prices have added to the default risk of energy issues, meaning potential payouts could be impressive

Default rate expected to remain low by historical standards

Liquidity - more than defaults - rules the high-yield debt market. And when defaults rise, price moves will be even more dramatic

Bonds trending closer to U.S. bond covenant quality

Report finds covenants declined this past year across all high-yield risk categories

Investors will be able to use the scores to rank quality among different loans

A total of eight Moody’s-rated corporate debt issuers have defaulted so far in 2014, with seven of those defaults coming in March