Differing attitudes of women and men about savings and investments have a real impact on their financial futures
New Investor Education Fund poll reveals shifts in personal finance priorities
Canadians aren’t shy when it comes to money talk with their partner: poll
Website features a contest to motivate consumers to answer basic financial questions
Jim Ruta, a performance consultant and a speaker at the Expertinstitute.com, explains why advisors should treat “insuring the uncontrollables” as the foundation of financial planning. He says the taking care of the financial security needs of your client is the crucial first step in any financial plan. He spoke at the TMX Broadcast Centre in Toronto.
More locations added in remote regions to let clients speak with financial planners and investment advisors
Heather Holjevac, senior financial planner with TriDelta Financial Partners in Toronto, specializes in planning for “suddenly single” women who are divorced, separated or widowed. She discusses why she chose to focus her practice, and how she relies on referral relationships with centres of influence and networking groups to attract new prospects. She touches on how her business has evolved to include the family members of her clients. She spoke with Dan Richards of clientinsights.ca at the TMX Broadcast Centre in Toronto.
TD Canada Trust launches retirement tracker
72% are confident about reaching their future financial goals.
Using age-morphed photos of clients can turn focus to retirement