John and Anne should reinvest the assets they have sitting on the sidelines or they won’t have enough income for retirement
Couple would like to know about the potential impact of a reduced pension. Could they leave an inheritance for their children?
Much depends on whether the couple keeps the rental building the wife inherited
They should be able to enjoy retirement, but much depends on whether the husband leaves assets with his former employer
Goals that include children, vacations, education, a second home, an estate and a comfortable retirement need trimming
Realistic income goals and careful investing can mean a secure future for single woman who also wants to help her family
Couple with three children must adjust their plans after husband receives pay cut and wife is laid off
A Halifax couple with lowered incomes and asset values should use insurance and annuities to protect the future
Although Rolf and Kathryn are likely to have enough for retirement, it’s how they get there that’s of concern to them
A middle-aged, middle-income couple should reduce their real estate and build up RRSPs, insurance and pensions